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We'd like to learn a bit more about how you see the world.


Attitude and aptitude form the basis of most hiring decisions. One can be taught, and the other is unique to each individual. We would like to ask you 7 questions that are intended to help us get a better feel for the ways you make decisions in the world around you, regardless of your experience, skills or employment history.

Let's go...

Question 1 of 7: You discover a cure for a global problem (e.g. hunger, climate change, inequality), but releasing it would result in unintended consequences, such as massive job losses, political instability, or ecological changes. What do you do?
Release the cure immediately, because solving the crisis is worth managing the consequences later
Delay the cure and analyse, to conduct studies and try to minimise the impacts first
Share the knowledge selectively, by introducing the cure to specific regions or industries, to trial its efficacy and impacts
Keep the cure hidden, because pandora's box can't be closed
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